

Updates for Classroom based Courses | #Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)

Updates as of 2nd November 2020 Course Update – Under New Lockdown Restriction We can confirm that all our classroom-based courses will run as normal according to the timetable. Under the new lockdown restrictions, Adult Education is exempt, therefore we will run all courses as normal. If there are any changes to that we will [...]
By Bhupendra Singh | Blog . Latest News

AAT Accounting Qualification: Your ultimate path to a career in accounting

  o, you completed your schooling and aspiring to be a certified accountant. Now, what next? Besides, what if you also don’t have accountancy experience to begin with? The short answer is “AAT accounting qualification“. AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) is the world’s leading professional accounting body. It offers an accredited route into accountancy even […]

By Bhupendra Singh | Blog

Update: London Study Centre Relocation

Hey amazing learners, this is an announcement regarding a change in the location of our London Study centre. Your favourite learning centre in London is currently located at 5 Harbour Exchange Square (3rd Floor), Canary Wharf, London E14 9GE, till the 28th of July.   New Study Center Location in London From July 29th, this [...]
By Bhupendra Singh | Blog . Latest News

AAT Classroom Courses – Restart Update

We are happy to announce that AAT Classroom Based courses are resuming back to normal from 01/07/2020 across all centres in UK. As Government guidance shifts its focus from lockdown to re-starting economies, we’re keen to provide opportunities for students to re-start their courses and progress with their studies, where it is deemed safe and [...]
By Osborne Training | Blog . Latest News . Latest Post

AAT Assessment Resumption Update

We are happy to announce that AAT assessments are resuming back to normal from 29/06/2020. We are taking bookings for AAT Assessments across all centres in UK from 01/07/2020 onward. As Government guidance shifts its focus from lockdown to re-starting economies, we're keen to provide opportunities for students to sit assessments and progress with their [...]
By Osborne Training | Blog . Latest News . Latest Post

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Updates from AAT

Updates as of 19th March 2020 As released by AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) During this unsettling and challenging time, we’d like to reassure you of our ongoing commitment to supporting you. Like all organisations, we must now act quickly and adapt both our short and long-term plans, but our focus on the welfare of [...]
By Bhupendra Singh | Blog . Latest News

AAT Bookkeeping Course: Your Accredited Route to be a Professional Bookkeeper.

Bookkeeping is the activity of recording day-to-day financial transactions for a business. The records are accurately organised by including amount, dates, sources, expenses, gain and loss transaction. Basically, bookkeeping is a starting point of the accounting process. For an even better idea of what these financial transactions include, here’re some of them: • Borrowing money [...]
By Bhupendra Singh | Blog

Book AAT Exam in Birmingham Online (in 3-Simple Steps)

  irst of all, congratulations on completing your AAT course and best wishes for your AAT exam ahead. If you are now looking for a detailed guide on how to book AAT Exam in Birmingham online, you are in the right place. Besides, if you’re just starting and planning a career in accounting and finance, […]

By Bhupendra Singh | Blog . Latest News