Is the course fee cheapest?

Is the course fee cheapest?

Not necessarily, as we hand-pick our tutors to ensure a better learning experience and our high pass rates confirm that we are good at what we do.

By Bhupendra Singh |

Is the course fee cheapest?

Not necessarily, as we hand pick our tutors to ensure better learning experience and our high pass rates are confirms that we are good at what we do.

By Bhupendra Singh |

Do I need to pay extra for books?

No, the cost for the books, postage, package and delivery is included within the Course Fee.

By Bhupendra Singh |

How long is my course access valid for?

Your access to the course is valid for 1 year, and you can purchase a VLC extension after for additional fees.

By Bhupendra Singh |

Do I get Tutorial Support?

Yes, you get access to Tutorial Support by email for 1 year. Find more here

By Bhupendra Singh |

Is the course Government funded?

No, we are a private intuition provider and all courses are funded by the students. Download AAT Online Live Course Brochure

By Bhupendra Singh |

What kind of jobs can I achieve with this qualification?

There are various roles available i.e. Sale Ledger, Purchase Ledger, Credit Controller, Bookkeeper etc.

By Bhupendra Singh |

Is the course fee cheapest?

Not necessarily, as we hand pick our tutors to ensure better learning experience and our high pass rates are confirms that we are good at what we do.

By Bhupendra Singh |